Alpha Phi believes in creating women who are prepared for the workforce after college. We strongly encourage each member to be involved on and off-campus as well as in the chapter. Our sisters are involved in over 100 organizations on campus as well as hold leadership positions for the most prestigious organizations. Becoming an Alpha Phi sets every sister up for success at Texas Tech and the future. As a traditional organization on campus, we make sure to stay connected with Texas Tech and the Lubbock community. We participate in yearly events to give back to the community and our university volunteering for the Lubbock Heart Walk, Arbor Day, Relay for Life, and designing cards for sick children in the hospital to name a few.

Community Service
Alpha Phis are devoted to not only our Foundation's philanthropic efforts, but also helping the community around us! Each semester we take part in local community service projects including the Lubbock Heart Walk, Relay for Life, Frances E. Willard's Day of Service, and many more. Chapter members also volunteer locally at the South Plains Food Bank, Lubbock Women's Shelter, animal shelters, the Boys and Girls Club, and local elementary schools among other community services.
We are so proud of our many sisters that are involved in organizations around campus! Our members are involved in some of the most competitive and prestigious organizations on campus. We have members part of Student Government Association, President's Select, Student Alumni Board, Texas Tech Athletics & Admissions, Mortar Board, Rho Gamma & Order of Omega Honor Societies, TAFT, Complex Council, just to name a few! You can always find an Alpha Phi devoting her time and commitment to being involved on campus.
It doesn't stop just being involved in on and off campus organizations; Alpha Phi is home to many members who go above and beyond the norm of a college student! Not only are they just members of their respective honor societies and major organizations on campus, but members who hold leadership positions in their various organizations. Some of our member's most outstanding achievements include being selected members of Mortar Board, an organization comprised of the Top .15% of seniors at Tech, Student Government Association directors and committee chairs, Top 5 Homecoming candidates & Homecoming Queen, Texas Tech Athletics & Admissions recruiters, among many other achievements. The ladies of Alpha Phi have a long history of achieving major accomplishments at Texas Tech, and we couldn't be more proud to share their success!