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Our mission as the Gamma Iota chapter of Alpha Phi is to continue to educate, support, and remain open to our members regarding matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion. As Alpha Phis at Texas Tech, it is our goal to be accepting of our sisters as well as those around us regardless of backgrounds, cultures, and personalities. We believe that every person has a voice and deserves to have a seat at the table. With this, we will endeavor to hold our members not only to Alpha Phi International’s high ideals, but also, to our own chapter’s goals of being inclusive, transparent, and welcoming to all. By being involved with multiple organizations within Texas Tech’s campus, we are able to create a much more diverse and well-rounded environment within our chapter. Our International works hard to provide our chapter with resources and programs to educate and equip our members in how to be aware and prepared. Gamma Iota strives for their members to be supportive and well-educated. 

We, the Gamma Iota chapter of Alpha Phi, aspire to be known as a sorority that provides a safe space for all conversations and a place where all are valued within their members.

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